As a child I spent my summers in Florida being a native New Yorker. My maternal family has resided there for years. Some of my fondest memories
were spent there. I learned to swim, build sand castles, having diving contests and swam til way past my bed time. My aunts took over as the greatest playmates for me. Hence why I always wanted and still rather be with people older in age than myself. It's where I am most comfortable. I would wake up in the morning and look out at the ocean. I could open the door and step in the sand. By the ocean was for me, I was born to love how it makes me feel. There is no drug, or substitute for waking up to salt water and palm tree breezes as far as I am concerned. To me that is God's most amazing creation. Last week I revisited that place. That place that is no longer, My grandfather is gone. No longer there to greet me in the garage that he turned into his own personal workshop. People have gotten older, much wiser and spiritually more beautiful.Though Times have changed, eras have ended. It was sweet for me. For all those memories I have as a child are just that. Innocence, and the only issue I had was who cares if my bathing suit is wet, I want in that ocean. I want that sand in between my toes. I want the sunshine in my eyes. I am gonna take on those waves, and I am still going to laugh at all the sand that is stuck in such places. How blessed
I feel to have such memories. As I returned to the beach I once ran around til from sun up til sun down. I returned with my aunt. I became that child again.
Worry less, free spirited, laughing, but most of all fearless. The waves were rough and far out you had to be to swim. As I floated above the waves,surrounded by palm trees, stared into the sky and heard my aunt's laugh I couldn't imagine a place more perfect to be. I have never felt more alive.Something occurred to me while I sat in the sand with waves washing ashore. How healing the ocean truly can be.
Lovely memories indeed. I prefer to enjoy the ocean from the comfort of a ship.